The more physical memory your Virtual Private Server has, the more programs you will be able to run all at once. Some programs require lots of RAM even when nothing else is running on the server, even though they might not require high Central processing unit speeds or loads of disk space. If your server runs out of memory, it'll stop responding and the Internet sites and the offline applications you host on it will not function properly, as their software components will not load since there will not be any free memory. In this light, we offer a RAM upgrade for our VPS plans, therefore if you detect that your hosting server is close to the limit, you'll be able to make the most of this upgrade without upgrading the whole plan and paying for resources that you will not use. This way, you can guarantee the proper operation of your scripts and stop concerning that your visitors will see errors or won't be able to open your sites at all.

Additional RAM in VPS Hosting

The RAM upgrade is available in increments of 128 MB with every virtual private servers that we offer, no matter if it's a low-end or a high-end one. If you know that you'll need more RAM from the very beginning, you could add it on the order page, while in case you need it after your server is already functioning, you can add it through your billing Control Panel with only a few mouse clicks. The additional memory shall be allocated to your existing plan automatically, so there won't be any downtime and you shall not need to do anything personally on your end. Due to the fact that we create a number of VPS accounts on highly effective physical web servers, there will always be sufficient 100 % free RAM that may be allocated to any of the accounts, irrespective of what upgrade you or any other customer needs. This scalability suggests that your sites can expand without restricting their functionality or the amount of customers that can browse them concurrently.