SPF, which stands for Sender Policy Framework, is an e-mail safety system, which is employed to validate whether an e-mail message was sent by a licensed server. Using SPF protection for a particular domain will stop the forging of email addresses made with the domain. In simple words: activating this feature for a domain name creates a specific record in the Domain Name System (DNS) containing the IP addresses of the servers that are permitted to send emails from mail boxes under the domain. When this record propagates globally, it will exist on all of the DNS servers that direct the Internet traffic. Every time some e-mail message is sent, the initial DNS server it uses checks if it comes from an authorized server. When it does, it is sent to the destination address, but if it doesn't originate from a server part of the SPF record for the particular domain, it is discarded. Thus nobody will be able to mask an e-mail address and make it appear as if you're distributing spam. This technique is also identified as email spoofing.

SPF Protection in Hosting

If you host your domain names in a hosting account on our end and we handle the emails for them, you are able to activate SPF protection for any of them with several clicks in your Hepsia Control Panel. The service is accessible in a separate section where you can see which domain names are already protected. For the ones that are not, you can enable the SPF protection option and set up various things at the same time - the hostnames of the mail servers that are allowed to send messages from your emails, the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of the servers, and even to set a rule that email messages can be sent only when your domain names include our MX records. The last mentioned choice is the most secure one, but you can use it in the event that we handle the email addresses for your domains and you are not using a different e-mail supplier. The newly generated records will propagate within 24 hours and nobody will be able to fake the FROM field in an email using your email addresses.

SPF Protection in Semi-dedicated Hosting

The SPF protection feature comes with all of the Linux semi-dedicated hosting, so if you host your domain names in an account on our cloud web hosting platform, you're able to use the service without difficulty for all your domain names. The Hepsia Control Panel, which is included with the semi-dedicated accounts, has a quite easy to use interface, which means that you will not need to be proficient in the use of computers in order to secure your e-mails. You'll simply need to type the hostname and the IP of each mail server that you'd like to be certified to send emails from your addresses and shortly after that the new record will be activated for the domain that you have chosen. As an extra option, we'll also give you the ability to restrict your outgoing e-mail messages and secure your mailboxes further by permitting e-mail messages to be sent only when the domain name involved has our MX records i.e. the emails for the domain should be handled here and not by another supplier. By doing so you will get even superior control and there won't be any chances for anybody to fake your email addresses for harmful intentions.